Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2 snow days in a row!

We've recently had somewhat of a storm these past three days. My school finally called off two days in a row. The first day, was because of the ice. But the second day? I'm pretty sure it was the wind.... I know what you're thinking, wind? Yeah, wind. It was insane. I looked out my window around 6 a.m and I saw a trashcan rolling down the road, with a mailbox following! I laughed, in my head of course. I am not a morning person, I don't like to talk when I wake up. I'm not sure why.

I was very happy to be informed that there was no school, so I could go back to sleep. Then spend the rest of the day with my family! I love them, there my bestfriends and I couldn't live without them. They keep me in a good mood all the time!
Well, I'm rambling now..
I need to stop that. >.<

1 comment:

  1. Now that I am not in school anymore, I hate the snow!! lol. and we have wayyyy too much of it. PS I am a new follower of your blog, I am Samantha :)
    You should go check out my blog
